Tag: machiaj

Eyeliner challenge



Cred ca prin clasa a 6-a am descoperit tusul, iar din clasa a 7-a am inceput sa-l folosesc.Pana atunci cand ziceam ca „ma machiez”, ma dadeam pe canalul ochiului cu un dermatograf negru.Eh, asa se „purta” atunci. Bun. Am trecut de  la tus lichid la tus carioca, dupa care m-am intors iar la tus lichid si asa mai departe, pana am dat peste tusul gel, adica acela in borcanel transparent, pe care il aplici cu pensula.

Parerea mea este ca, desi pare dificil pentru inceput, se va dovedi a fi mult mai usor decat cu celelalte tipuri. Finish-ul este unul mat, de durata. Am uitat sa precizez ca nu imi plac deloc tusurile lucioase sau care se usuca lucios. In general tusurile waterproof au tendinta aceasta si se decojesc.

Pana acum am incercat doar cateva dintre tusurile gel existente pe piata, deoarece sunt o gramada. Multe fete m-au intrebat cum imi fac codita, sau cum reusesc sa le fac asa perfect. In primul rand eu sunt mai „perfectionista”, adica nu ma las pana nu sunt simetrice, perfect nivelate. De aceea, chiar daca am cativa ani in spate de machiat in acest fel, inca imi mai ia ceva timp sa le fac asa cum trebuie. Eu sunt de parere ca ori faci ceva calumea, ori nu. Ori iti faci o codita calumea cu tusul, ori ramai la creion khol.


I think I was in my sixth grade (in my country) when I discovered the eyeliner, and by the seventh grade I already started using it, if not even earlier. Until then when I said I was applying make-up, I was actually contouring my lower eyelid with black khol. Well, that was the trend back then. Ok, so I moved from liquid liner to pencil eyeliner, then back to liquid liner and so on, until I ran into gel eyeliner, that little black thingie in a small jar that you apply  with a brush.

My opinion is that even though it seems difficult at the beginning, it will prove to be much more easier than with the other types of eyeliner. The result is a perfect, longlasting matte one. I forgot to say that I don`t like at all the shiny eyeliner. In general, the waterproof ones tend to be like this.

Plenty of girls asked me how I do my winged line(cateye) or how do I manage to make them so perfect. First of all, I find myself to be kinda a perfectionist, and by this, I mean I don`t give up until I make them simetrical with a perfectly smooth line. I have some years of experience in using the eyeliner, but it still takes time to make the lines the way they are supposed to be. I believe that if you can`t do something right, you don`t make it at all. You either do a fine winged line with the eyeliner or you stay at that black khol.
